Smoothie for the warm and sunny weekend

The sun surprised us this weekend by shining brightly and giving an almost spring like feeling to the rather gloomy winter. So out came the fruits and ice for a delicious 'Jamba Juice'- like smoothie.

I put together chopped strawberries, de-seeded oranges and one banana into our juicer with plenty of ice and a dash of lime juice. And blended it together with some light cranberry juice.

What joy!

Today also happens to be the Super Bowl Sunday which is the annual game day of the National Football league (NFL). All over America, families and friends come together and get hooked on to their television for the game of the year (that I don't understand) and chomp away on pot-luck goodies. I for one have still not got into the Super Bowl groove, but I enjoy the spirit. The painted faces, yummilicious food spreads and all the fun! Might take us another year to get bitten by this very American bug.

So for the ones like me, here is screen-shot related to the Super Bowl from one of my favourite online comic strip series - The Oatmeal. To all my American friends, if you enjoy the game, have a wonderful Super Bowl Sunday!


  1. loved your smoothie idea.
    I was forced to watch the game with Rudy this time, and the last time I watched this fight I remembered the Giants had won.. so yay for the Giants.. loved the comic too..

  2. As always, the food you make looks sinfully good. How do you do it!

  3. Tina, check he is Seattle based. You will like his comic strips.

    Gayu, I am trying to make 2012 a healthy year...fed up of carrying the extra load. You wont see many sinful recipes this year... but will try and make it look good.


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